Archive for February, 2009

Removal of skin tags

February 20, 2009

Surgical excision (with scissors) , freezing (with liquid nitrogen) and the burning (using laser or electricity) are the three main medical procedures for the removal of skin tags.

Using any one of these procedures, skin tags can be removed easily without anesthesia. However, treating large skin tags often requires local anesthesia (injected lidocaine).

Anesthesia may also be needed for treating areas with a big number of small skin tags. In this case, topical anesthesia creams are used to cover all the treated area.

The problem with these medical proceduresĀ is that they are relatively expensive. And because they are considered to be of a cosmetic nature, most insurance plans do not cover them.

Fortunately, a big number of herbal extract can be used for the home removal of skin tags. The list of these remedies includes essential oils like Tea tree oil and Castor oil. Other natural remedies like apple cider vinegar are also very powerful in the removal of skin tags.

Moreover, there is a very big number of skin tag removers that are available on the market. One of the most powerful of these removers is Wart Mole Vanish.

Wart Mole Vanish is designed to treat a big number of skin problems including skin tags, warts, moles and Syringoma. It is the only skin tag remover that requires only one application of 20 minutes to get you rid of any skin tag.

Unlike other skin tag removers, Wart Mole Vanish does not contain harmful ingredients like Bloodroot and Zinc chloride. It only contains herbal extracts from Cashew plant, Fig plant, Celandine plant andĀ  Lemon mixed with de-ionized water. Click here to learn more about more about Wart Mole Vanish!